Pinaskie House
Family Photo Album


Naar Spanje met Yvonne
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Family Photo Album
Onze Beestjes. Krab, krab!! Nee,hè
Jan en Dirk-Jan in Tsjechië
My Resume
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Hallo! Hallo! Hier is mijn brievenbus!!!
Poesj poesj, daar is Bush
Het dagelijkse praatje! nou ja, dagelijks....

On this page I'll describe each member of my family. Here's an example of a format I might use.

Tjonge, jonge. Die bank is echt niet groot genoeg.


Hier Aron. De jongste nerd van de familie

Aron dec 2001
klik op de foto voor vergroting


Dit is Dirkjan. De oudste nerd van de familie.

dirkjan dec 2001


Magdalena in de kou januari 2001
klik op de foto voor een vergroting

A mature couple; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Other Relatives

Here I might talk about other people in my family, or include a picture of all of us together at some special event.

A mother playing with children; Actual size=180 pixels wide

My Children

Here I might write about my children. I will write when they were born and what grade they are currently in. I will also mention some the teams and organizations they are involved with.