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War is imminent!!!!

(Sorry, dd.i. eigenlijk een Belgenmop :))

Belgians Lead Push for Regime Change in America
By Phil Lebovits

Spurred by reports of an aggressive military build-up and failure to rein in corporate terrorists, the government of Belgium is pressing for a preemptive strike against the regime of George W. Bush. "We cannot sit idly by and eat our delicious chocolates while the United States government engages in a policy of harassment," Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt said in a nationally-televised address to the Belgian people. "Now is the time for action. We cannot waffle."

Recent reports from Belgian intelligence sources indicate that the United States is now in possession of weapons of mass destruction - chemical, biological and nuclear. "We know that the United States has nuclear weapons and that they have actually used them in the past," intoned the Prime Minister." There is no reason to think they will not use them in the future." Verhofstadt is insisting that United Nations weapon inspectors be given "unfettered access to the massive stockpiles" of weapons, and that they be destroyed immediately. "We stand at the crossroads," pleaded Verhofstadt. "Either the United States agrees to our demands, or we will be forced to suspend making fruit-flavoured beer and lead the way for permanent regime change. Remember, my dear Walloons, the current clique in Washington was elected in direct contravention of the will of the American people. Regime change will be welcomed by their citizens."

Reaction to the speech throughout Europe was swift. "We stand with our Belgian brothers," offered French President Jacques Chirac. "France is willing to commit thirty-five troops and many cases of fine champagne to the cause. We cannot stand on the sidelines enjoying our delicious baguettes and cheese while our comrades from Antwerp go it alone. Let me assure the dear Prime Minister. France is with you, almost."

Russian President Vladimir Putin did not mince any words. "Again, it is the powerful Belgians who must lead the world against aggression and American hegemony. Russia stands with her European allies and insists that the United States disarm unilaterally.  I only wish we too had delicious foods."

Following the speech, the mood at the White House was one of defiance. "Let the Belgians make their empty threats," said White House spokesman Ari Fleischer. "We are urging Hershey's and Mars and other fine American chocolate makers to increase their yummy output by two-hundred percent in the coming weeks. We intend to break up the evil-doing Belgian chocolate cartel once and for all." Vice President Dick Cheney was even more  bellicose. Speaking directly underneath Karl Rove from an undisclosed underground bunker, the Vice President warned of dire consequences should Belgium make a preemptive strike. "We are prepared to strike back with alarming force," said Cheney. "The Belgians cannot bully us. They may be the world's only superpower, but we here in America have God on our side. With Miller Lite Beer as our witness, to hell with their delicious chocolate treats."

Verhofstadt, while unyielding in tone and substance, did offer the Americans a plausible way out. "I call upon George W. Bush to capture Sheik Kenneth Lay, Imam Dennis Kozlowski, and the entire WorldCom terrorist organization, and to hand them over to an international tribunal. The United States can no longer harbor agents of terrorism. You are either with us or against us." Back in Washington, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Security Advisor Condaleeza Rice were trying eagerly to persuade President Bush that there was indeed a country named Belgium.



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